Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
Nah man I have not had a beer in years
I had a problem Food porn

i liked to fight alot in my younger days and drink. after getting in trouble and losing tons of money and rank in the military i finally figured out that even if you dont start it it doesnt matter if you have a beer or 10 you still get in trouble. so i kept fighting and stopped drinking without getting in trouble. that and it also dawned on me that i was doing great in bodybuilding and taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back everytime i drank. so no more from that point on. it is super rare for me to have one and i mean super rare i think the last one i had was a jameson about 3 years ago and it was a single shot. just not my cup of tea. kind of like when i stay up to late, it takes my body months to get back on track and drinking is the exact same way. i would rather eat pastries