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    Thread: SFG'S log to greatness

    1. #106
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

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      • SFG'S log to greatness
      • SFG'S log to greatness
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      alright man, i am not going to freak you out or anything but with your lipids being jacked up and you didnt put the numbers in, your c reactive being high and your apd b also being high. this is not a good sign for heart health at all. now i am not saying you are going to fall over dead from a heart attack but that apo b is a key indicator that you may have heart issues going on. idk if you have insurance or good insurance or not but if you do i would try to get into a cardiologist and get a echo, nuclear stress test and maybe even a ct scan with contrast. that way you can see if you have any blockages what your calcium score is and that it is doing what it is supposed to be doing. if you dont have great insurance or any at all their is a company called craft body scan that is doing a huge promotion this month for 99 bucks that will do a full heart and lung scan for both you and your spouse. i just went with my wife last week and had mine done so she could get her's for 99 bucks and not have to go through the cardiologist. i have done all the above tests as well as an annual echo just to make sure i am all good. i had a pretty bad scare a couple years ago and thought i was having a heart attack but it was my guts and they did up all that stuff for me and since i have a family history of issues i am able to do it yearly now. what blew my mind was that i had a zero calcium score and all my stuff was completely clear even after all the crap i have pushed over the years and nasty shit i have breathed and been exposed to in the military. i did have to wear a holter monitor this year because i was getting some random racing and pounding but it came back pretty much clear. i had a couple incidents but they were short and very small.

      like i said take a look into getting checked out man. jump on gama e from life extension nattokinease and a good quality fish oil asap. i use morphogen nutritions omega that is both fish oil and nattokinease. i have it on a damn subscription service. those will thin out your blood protect your heart and improve your hdl. i am sure i will think of other stuff later since i have carb depleted brains right now.

      your thyroid also looks a little low also
      Wife works at a hospital and just send the labs to her cardiologist and they are going to make an appointment for me.

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      shit man, most docs in my area wont script you unless you are sub 200 and endos damn sure wont here. doesnt matter if you feel like shit and your dick dont work, they still consider you to be in the normal range above 200. damn ass clowns. then again my doc that is a rock star told me that most insurance wont cover it if it isnt below 200 on two panels in a row. so you have that too
      Yeah same here. I'm on the low end but they wont even consider trt for you unless you drop below 200.
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      Wife works at a hospital and just send the labs to her cardiologist and they are going to make an appointment for me.

      Yeah same here. I'm on the low end but they wont even consider trt for you unless you drop below 200.
      ok, good man. from what all i have learned the past couple of years about heart health we were completely wrong on rbc and hemocrit being the biggest issue. same thing with lipids even though jacked up lipids are not good they arent the biggest issue. apo b and insulin are the big ones to watch out for. their are a couple other clotting factor ones also but that's the ones that all the docs talk about with bodybuilders and aas users. my doc doesnt even care so much about my rbc and hemocrit as long as it isnt making me feel like crap. he always watches those along with platletes and hemoglobin. if those get funky then we start making changes. that along with insulin and apo b obviously.
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    3. #108
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      shit man, most docs in my area wont script you unless you are sub 200 and endos damn sure wont here. doesnt matter if you feel like shit and your dick dont work, they still consider you to be in the normal range above 200. damn ass clowns. then again my doc that is a rock star told me that most insurance wont cover it if it isnt below 200 on two panels in a row. so you have that too

      Ha! ive made the 50 club so not sure what if at all that helps but i was 407/3.2 with my test readings.. everything else came out really good surpisingly as i havent been to a doctor in over 10 years.
      i forgot how fantastic you feel with a little testosterone.

      i went to a mens clinic not a regular doctor if that matters, i do recommend tho.. no negatives as of yet

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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guage View Post
      Ha! ive made the 50 club so not sure what if at all that helps but i was 407/3.2 with my test readings.. everything else came out really good surpisingly as i havent been to a doctor in over 10 years.
      i forgot how fantastic you feel with a little testosterone.

      i went to a mens clinic not a regular doctor if that matters, i do recommend tho.. no negatives as of yet
      my primary doc is a hormone guy and that's his passion and a bodybuilder/athlete to boot. so he is really well versed in what we do. actually was a family friend of a friend that refer me to him. downside for me is he is the next state down from me and a 2 hour and some change drive but well worth it. when i first started out with him, i was in the 200s and he told me that insurance wouldnt cover it unless you were under the accepted normal range but wrote me a script without my insurance. then after 2 tests that came back under 200 my insurance took over. what makes him a fantastic no bs doc is that he says i dont treat numbers, i treat symptoms and if you feel like crap have no sex drive and dont want to function at 500 then we will take you to 900 or find that sweet spot where you are ideal. same thing with thyroid levels. bottom end of normal isnt ideal for most and if you can boost that up to mid or upper normal then everything else is perfect. i am 46 myself and i can def tell a huge difference when my levels go down to low. ask my mrs, she says i am a complete ass when low and a teddy bear when i am off the charts high haha
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    5. #110
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      I am still at it, just not posting every day.

      I did chest the other day and then legs.

      I am still doing my cardio in the morning. 30 minutes walking in a sauna suit. I just added 32lbs plate carrier to it as well this morning, I will probably do that every morning from now on.

      Today is day 3 but technically only shot 2 since im doing it at night of semaglutide. Not sure if its still my crashed metabolism but I genuinely have not felt hungry the last 2 days. I'm still getting between 28000-3k cals per day.

      Only side effect so far is uncomfortable bloating and bad gas. Im literally farting 247 lol.

      I ordered some gas x to see if that with help at all. I was reading its common since it slows the digestion down and gives it more time for the food to ferment and gas to build up. Its really annoying but well see what happens. My wife said the gasto stuff usually lasts for 2-3 weeks and goes away for most people.
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    6. #111
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      I am still at it, just not posting every day.

      I did chest the other day and then legs.

      I am still doing my cardio in the morning. 30 minutes walking in a sauna suit. I just added 32lbs plate carrier to it as well this morning, I will probably do that every morning from now on.

      Today is day 3 but technically only shot 2 since im doing it at night of semaglutide. Not sure if its still my crashed metabolism but I genuinely have not felt hungry the last 2 days. I'm still getting between 28000-3k cals per day.

      Only side effect so far is uncomfortable bloating and bad gas. Im literally farting 247 lol.

      I ordered some gas x to see if that with help at all. I was reading its common since it slows the digestion down and gives it more time for the food to ferment and gas to build up. Its really annoying but well see what happens. My wife said the gasto stuff usually lasts for 2-3 weeks and goes away for most people.
      unless you are trying to drop water weight ditch the suana suit man. it is proven that it doesnt increase cal burn at all and is a huge waste of time.

      also the gas thing is a pain in the ass haha literally and i would also add in a good fiber supp at night and first thing in the am because you most likely wont be taking as many dumps as normal. it should help with the bloating. i have also found that diet sodas and those sugar free sparkling waters make my stomach hurt like hell. they are delicious and i love them but if i have one i pay for it for a few hours. i can do a normal size can of dr pepper zero and it's not bad but any more and it is brutal
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    7. #112
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      unless you are trying to drop water weight ditch the suana suit man. it is proven that it doesnt increase cal burn at all and is a huge waste of time.

      also the gas thing is a pain in the ass haha literally and i would also add in a good fiber supp at night and first thing in the am because you most likely wont be taking as many dumps as normal. it should help with the bloating. i have also found that diet sodas and those sugar free sparkling waters make my stomach hurt like hell. they are delicious and i love them but if i have one i pay for it for a few hours. i can do a normal size can of dr pepper zero and it's not bad but any more and it is brutal
      Ok good to know about the sauna suit I'll just stick to the weighted plate carrier.
      Outside of the sparkling water in the morning with breakfast I'm not drinking anything besides water with the like zero sugar zero carb mio or crystal light in it, not a ton just enough to flavor it more than a water. Plus I do the liquid IV daily in just plain water.

      I do have the occasional bum energy when I'm looking for something more sweet and soda like or just a little caffeine boost.

      Yeah the gas is killing me lol its super annoying. I am taking Gas X tablets with meals which helps it but it goes from like a 9 to maybe an 8 but better than nothing lol.

      For fiber I'm taking fiber 1 gummies. 1 serving is 3 gummies and I am taking all 3 with breakfast. I'm sure there are better options but I figured this is better than nothing and the gummies are super easy to eat and actually taste ok.
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Maybe a pretty dumb questions but I have some older hgh. Few years old.
      I got it and left it in its boxes, put the boxes in a bag then put the bag in the drawer in the fridge. That’s where it’s been the whole time. It’s Chinese generics. The powder form is all still clumped together however it is loose in the fail if that makes sense, not sure if that even matters.

      I’ve tried to use it multiple times over the years and end up with a swollen red mazrks at injections site that are painful and spread out in size over a week or so until they disappear.

      I’m not sure if it’s my body or the quality or purity of the gh. It’s like a year supply of gh so I’d hate to throw out . I’d like to start running it but I’m not sure if it’s worth dealing with the injections issues or if they will subside over time. Especially now that I’m doing subQ injections for my gear I can’t really destroy the ability to inject the stomach.

      I have read 192aa can cause these issues in people and some people have said after a while there body gets used to it and the redness and pain goes away. The label says 191aa but who knows.

      Trash it or push through a few weeks and see if my body gets used to it?

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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      Ok good to know about the sauna suit I'll just stick to the weighted plate carrier.
      Outside of the sparkling water in the morning with breakfast I'm not drinking anything besides water with the like zero sugar zero carb mio or crystal light in it, not a ton just enough to flavor it more than a water. Plus I do the liquid IV daily in just plain water.

      I do have the occasional bum energy when I'm looking for something more sweet and soda like or just a little caffeine boost.

      Yeah the gas is killing me lol its super annoying. I am taking Gas X tablets with meals which helps it but it goes from like a 9 to maybe an 8 but better than nothing lol.

      For fiber I'm taking fiber 1 gummies. 1 serving is 3 gummies and I am taking all 3 with breakfast. I'm sure there are better options but I figured this is better than nothing and the gummies are super easy to eat and actually taste ok.
      ditch the gummies man and go to the powder. make sure any fiber that you use is 100% sugar free or it is basically worthless. the gummies dont do jack other than give you even more gas. same goes for the acv ones and pretty much everything else in gummy form
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      Maybe a pretty dumb questions but I have some older hgh. Few years old.
      I got it and left it in its boxes, put the boxes in a bag then put the bag in the drawer in the fridge. That’s where it’s been the whole time. It’s Chinese generics. The powder form is all still clumped together however it is loose in the fail if that makes sense, not sure if that even matters.

      I’ve tried to use it multiple times over the years and end up with a swollen red mazrks at injections site that are painful and spread out in size over a week or so until they disappear.

      I’m not sure if it’s my body or the quality or purity of the gh. It’s like a year supply of gh so I’d hate to throw out . I’d like to start running it but I’m not sure if it’s worth dealing with the injections issues or if they will subside over time. Especially now that I’m doing subQ injections for my gear I can’t really destroy the ability to inject the stomach.

      I have read 192aa can cause these issues in people and some people have said after a while there body gets used to it and the redness and pain goes away. The label says 191aa but who knows.

      Trash it or push through a few weeks and see if my body gets used to it?
      i personally would use it. i get that issue myself from time to time. no biggie. just keep in mind though that the gh is going to make you insulin resistant as well. the semi should offset that but just keep that in mind because gh is horrible for doing that. it will keep you lean and get you lean but it does mess with that aspect bad, that's why those of us that use it pretty much year round run it with slin
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i personally would use it. i get that issue myself from time to time. no biggie. just keep in mind though that the gh is going to make you insulin resistant as well. the semi should offset that but just keep that in mind because gh is horrible for doing that. it will keep you lean and get you lean but it does mess with that aspect bad, that's why those of us that use it pretty much year round run it with slin
      Ok I’ll stitch the gummies and get powder fiber supplement today.

      In terms of the GH I started at 2ius and the day after would be a lump and red circles the red circle would get bigger over about a week but the lump would also go away over that time. Tenderness would also increase throughout the week. After about 7-10 days it would mostly be gone.

      The gear I’m using right now the lump and tenderness is gone in like 2/3 days and redness is hit or miss so it was just unusual for me. First ever time running GH so it freaked me out a bit.

      I have 8 100iu kits, maybe a little more. How many iu’s should I run daily?

      I also added Cardarine in starting yesterday at 10mg per day. Besides the endurance boost it’s suppose to help with lipids and insulin sensitivity too.

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      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      Ok I’ll stitch the gummies and get powder fiber supplement today.

      In terms of the GH I started at 2ius and the day after would be a lump and red circles the red circle would get bigger over about a week but the lump would also go away over that time. Tenderness would also increase throughout the week. After about 7-10 days it would mostly be gone.

      The gear I’m using right now the lump and tenderness is gone in like 2/3 days and redness is hit or miss so it was just unusual for me. First ever time running GH so it freaked me out a bit.

      I have 8 100iu kits, maybe a little more. How many iu’s should I run daily?

      I also added Cardarine in starting yesterday at 10mg per day. Besides the endurance boost it’s suppose to help with lipids and insulin sensitivity too.
      i would ride the gh out at 2 for a week or so and bump up to 3. you can ride that and increase all the way up to 6 if you want to but between 3-6 seems to be the sweet spot for fat loss. idk why you continue to get the redness but i get it from time to time myself. try putting it in the skin on your quads and see if that helps.

      as for the cardarine it does do all kinds of good stuff including fat loss. the trade off is that in studies it has been shown to cause cancer. now i know that the studies that were conducted the dosing was god awful high but it is always something to keep in the back of your mind. i know 2 people that were under 35, hell one was mid 20s that developed cancer immediately after finishing a cycle of another sarm. she get nasty breast cancer and the dude got prostate cancer. i dont remember which one but both were the same sarm and pretty much at the exact same time. i use it myself during prep when i have tren in for the breathing alone. another good one to check out is injectable l carnitine. that one also does some great stuff for your heart and fat burning. the down side is yet again more injections which gets to be a huge pain in the ass. i use it off and on as well.
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i would ride the gh out at 2 for a week or so and bump up to 3. you can ride that and increase all the way up to 6 if you want to but between 3-6 seems to be the sweet spot for fat loss. idk why you continue to get the redness but i get it from time to time myself. try putting it in the skin on your quads and see if that helps.

      as for the cardarine it does do all kinds of good stuff including fat loss. the trade off is that in studies it has been shown to cause cancer. now i know that the studies that were conducted the dosing was god awful high but it is always something to keep in the back of your mind. i know 2 people that were under 35, hell one was mid 20s that developed cancer immediately after finishing a cycle of another sarm. she get nasty breast cancer and the dude got prostate cancer. i dont remember which one but both were the same sarm and pretty much at the exact same time. i use it myself during prep when i have tren in for the breathing alone. another good one to check out is injectable l carnitine. that one also does some great stuff for your heart and fat burning. the down side is yet again more injections which gets to be a huge pain in the ass. i use it off and on as well.
      Yeah I really don’t know what’s up with my reactions to the GH either it’s not just occasionally it’s every shot.

      I’m going to start at 2ius tomorrow and do the leg like you said and see if maybe that helps a it at all. I have 9.5 kits so I can run 3ius for almost an entire 11 months which would be nice. That 3/4iu range was where I was aiming for originally.

      Yeah I’ve heard the studies about the cardarine. I’m praying nothing like that will happen.

      I upped my calories to 3,000 since the day you told me too. I’m noticing I’m actually getting hungry again between meals which is good, my metabolism seems to be turning back on but also my desire to snack has gone completely to zero
      Since starting the Semaglutide so that’s great.

      I did add weight like we expected. Granted it’s a new scale since my son broke the other one but I jumped 10lbs to 285lbs and then sunk down to 282 and have been at 282 for 3 days straight.

      I lowered the calories to 2800 starting yesterday since I’m still not lifting everyday.

      Right now I’m hitting fasted cardio about 4/5 times a week. 30 minutes on walking with 32lbs plate carrier on an small
      Incline I’m hitting 10k steps a day but probably averaging about 15k on a daily basis. I started to wake up earlier before the kids get up they kept ruining my cardio so now it’s done before they wake up. So I should be able to my cardio in now daily.

      I’m slowly ramping up the workouts and hoping to get that to 6 consistent days a week,
      Right now I’m probably hitting 1-2 good workouts a week and 1-2 shitty quick ones but that’s still better than the 0 I was doing before.

      I’ve been doing mostly weights and machines that I have in my garage but have thrown in a couple heavy sandbag workouts too which has been nice and should help me burn some extra fat.

      I’be been on 50mcg per day of Semaglutide now for a week. After another week I’m going to up the dose to 100mcg per day and hopefully I’ll be able to just chill there.

      I’m not losing any weight but I can notice a body composition change in the mirror. It’s very minor but It’s enough to keep me going.

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      being and staying consistent is the biggest key man. which you know. i think that it is so freaking hard when you have a training split that is say 4 days because it makes it so easy to say shit well i have 2 more days left so i can take today off haha. i try to hit mon tues off weds then thurs friday and take the weekends off. then i rotate cardio depending on if i have 4-5-6-7 days. if i am only doing no shit 4 or 5 days of cardio i still hit at least 10k steps per day when leaning down. i am old as shit now and i have to max out my recovery and rest as much as possible esp since i have to do so much freaking cardio, so the days of training 6 or 7 days are long gone for me i believer unless i figure something out. i can push them in the off season but as soon as cardio ramps up it is a no go. i get hurt and stay way to banged up to be productive in the gym
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      • SFG'S log to greatness
      • SFG'S log to greatness
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      being and staying consistent is the biggest key man. which you know. i think that it is so freaking hard when you have a training split that is say 4 days because it makes it so easy to say shit well i have 2 more days left so i can take today off haha. i try to hit mon tues off weds then thurs friday and take the weekends off. then i rotate cardio depending on if i have 4-5-6-7 days. if i am only doing no shit 4 or 5 days of cardio i still hit at least 10k steps per day when leaning down. i am old as shit now and i have to max out my recovery and rest as much as possible esp since i have to do so much freaking cardio, so the days of training 6 or 7 days are long gone for me i believer unless i figure something out. i can push them in the off season but as soon as cardio ramps up it is a no go. i get hurt and stay way to banged up to be productive in the gym
      Yeah i totally can see that. I can feel those injured body parts coming into play just on the walks my knee is not happy. Since im not doing hard core cardio and fat loss is my main goal Im going to try and stick with it at least 5 days a week. hitting that 30 minutes with the vest daily.

      My legs have always been pretty big so my main focus right now is building that upper physique, it just looks like trash right now. So I'll probably try to hit the whole upper body twice a week and do 1 hard core leg day a week just so they don't lag.

      I might be being a little too ambitious thinking 6 day a week workouts will be sustainable with my banged up body lol.

      if i get injured then im screwed and im making no gains so I am going to ease into it.

      Did my first shot of hgh today in the leg - 2ius th en did my fasted cardio.

      So lets see how this goes over the next week. If all goes well ill just keep pinning legs with the gh and jump to 3ius in a week.

      I got my powdered fiber in so i started that yesterday as well.

      right now im shooting for 2800 calories with about 210g carbs, 93g fat and 280g protein.
      Ive been pretty much nailing the fats but have noticed im going a bit over on carbs and a but under on protein each day.

      Am I in the ballpart nutrition wise?

      Yesterdays meals:

      meal 1:
      1 cup egg whites
      3 whole eggs
      1 slice of cheese

      meal 2:
      chiptole white rice, pinto, double chicken, tomatoes, hgot suace, cheese and lettuce.

      during the day:
      liquid IV packet

      meal 3:
      3 lean turkey meatloaf muffin things
      2.5oz protein penne pasta
      0.33 cups of lkow sodium low sugar marina sauace

      Small bag of popcorners kettle korn chips
      nature valley peanut butter bar
      1 oreo
      1 kosher dill spear
      1 scoop of peanut butter
      2 scoops 4-1 meta mucil fiber supplement

      Yesterday was the first day Ive done any snacking since i started this. I was pretty hungry but i knew if i actually ate a meal i would be too hungry before bed so i ate those snacks.

      most days its chicken and rice or chicken and pasta instead of the chiptole but i need to go shopping.

      Totals for the day yesterday:
      251g carbs
      234g protein
      91g fat
      2,722 calories.
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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