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    Thread: SFG'S log to greatness

    1. #121
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      cals look perfect man, just keep an eye on sugar intake esp residual. if you are going to take in high gi foods do it around training either pre or post that way it clears out and doesnt drive fat storage
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    2. #122
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      cals look perfect man, just keep an eye on sugar intake esp residual. if you are going to take in high gi foods do it around training either pre or post that way it clears out and doesnt drive fat storage
      awesome Ill keep at this. I'm not eating anything sugar or processed at all right now. I'm avoiding sugar the best of my abilities completely actually. The other day was just a little snack day because i didn't have the calories left for a real meal and we need to go shopping again so i only had my kids stuff to snack on lol.

      I do sometimes eat an English muffin with honey on it pre workout but that's about it. I just checked the majority of my days since ive started logging are 50g or less per day of sugar. some a lot less. There are a few in the 60's and 70's. I was eating a pop tart for a snack daily and i cut that out so i think that was mainly the only sugar bullshit food item left i was eating.

      I think I'm going to discontinue the HGH. I think either something is off about it or maybe my body is rejecting it or I'm allergic or something. I might save up and buy some somewhere else and just test it to see if its me or just these kits.

      I did only 2ius yesterday within a few hours there was a knot and was hot to the touch. Today the knots about the size of a quarter and red and hot to the touch. Its also painful but especially if you touch it or bump it. Its not debilitating pain but its uncomfortable enough that if it i had a weeks worth of these on me right now id be pretty pissed off about it lol. Im not too worried about the injection I know this will go away this is the exact reaction I usually get but it sticks around for a lot longer than you would expect for such a small amount so I dont want to deal with his everyday especially when im also injecting 2 other times a day with the trt and semaglutide, luckily those injections are all going fine.

      Really sucks since i have 9+ kits and it was my first time with gh.
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    3. #123
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      awesome Ill keep at this. I'm not eating anything sugar or processed at all right now. I'm avoiding sugar the best of my abilities completely actually. The other day was just a little snack day because i didn't have the calories left for a real meal and we need to go shopping again so i only had my kids stuff to snack on lol.

      I do sometimes eat an English muffin with honey on it pre workout but that's about it. I just checked the majority of my days since ive started logging are 50g or less per day of sugar. some a lot less. There are a few in the 60's and 70's. I was eating a pop tart for a snack daily and i cut that out so i think that was mainly the only sugar bullshit food item left i was eating.

      I think I'm going to discontinue the HGH. I think either something is off about it or maybe my body is rejecting it or I'm allergic or something. I might save up and buy some somewhere else and just test it to see if its me or just these kits.

      I did only 2ius yesterday within a few hours there was a knot and was hot to the touch. Today the knots about the size of a quarter and red and hot to the touch. Its also painful but especially if you touch it or bump it. Its not debilitating pain but its uncomfortable enough that if it i had a weeks worth of these on me right now id be pretty pissed off about it lol. Im not too worried about the injection I know this will go away this is the exact reaction I usually get but it sticks around for a lot longer than you would expect for such a small amount so I dont want to deal with his everyday especially when im also injecting 2 other times a day with the trt and semaglutide, luckily those injections are all going fine.

      Really sucks since i have 9+ kits and it was my first time with gh.
      yeah you are having a reaction the gh or something in it for sure then. the red bump or knot should go away pretty quick and def not be painful unless you hit something or went a little into the muscle. some people do have issues with gh or esp generic gh. so it's not uncommon.

      as for the english muffins haha. i do them from time to time myself. they are essentially low carb and easy to eat, i like dave's killer bread and ezekiel bread. i am actually using ez bread off and on right now during prep but the majority of my carbs come from jasmine rice. i have found that the best carb options are the ones that digest the best and dont mess with blood sugars to much. i even do rice cakes from time to time as well. all kinds of great options to use that are pretty much zero sugar or super low on the gi index
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    4. #124
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Still doing 250-300ish test and 125mg primo.
      Doing 100mcg per day of semgalutide.

      Started taking aeromasin 12.5mg eod. My left nipple was getting sensitive and since i have so much body fat i know im more sensitive top gyno.

      Kids have gotten me sick AF and running around taking care of them so no workouts or cardio the last week or so but ive been pretty active still.

      I'm struggling to get my calories daily, especially my protein. All i want to eat is peanut butter and jelly on semaglutide its wild lol.

      Part of the issue is I genuinly am never hungry, food doesn't even cross my mind 90% of the day I have to make a conscious effort to eat. Whats happening is by bed time im short 1000+ calories and i missed my protein mark by 100g.

      I have only lost a few pound's. After increasing my calories I went up to 282-283. Today im 278-279 but like i said ive missed a about a week of exercise and cardio trying to get rid of this cold. Im still a little surprised I have not lost more weight though just from eating better and less and no longer drinking. Usually when i stop drinking i lose 15 pounds or so just from that.

      If you have any hacks to get protein in please let me know. I have been short on my protein especially the days where ive been working.
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    5. #125
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      Also went to cardiologist, very cool guy, my wife has done a lot of work with him and says hes the best so i trust him.

      Did some tests and everything was normal. Since this blood test with the bad markers was directly after i stopped drinking, eating like shit and was not working out he said we are going to give it 6 months.

      So, I have a follow up appointment with blood tests and more tests in the future. If the numbers don't change with diet and exercise we are going to dive deeper but he suspects the lack of exercise, excessive drinking, and horrendous diet are the main culprits. I tend to agree, we will see in 6 month.

      I will pull another blood test myself in a few months to see how things are going cycle wise anyway so we will have something to compare to the pre cycle and diet tests then the 6 month test and see how things are going.

      I know the test is working, i have energy and stamina like im 20 again. I cant believe my test was so low but i shouldn't be shocked all the crazy cycles and half ass pct's ive done but man does it feel good to have than manly energy and sex drive back.

      I've also gotten back on the medication I used to take for anxiety and shit. I had to stopped a few years ago, insurance stopped covering me and it was costing me $450 per month. I was like no thanks. Now im back with new insurance and new docs and it costs me about $30 a month. Its been a game changer in terms of just being a more regularly functioning human being and I no longer feel the need to use alcohol as a crutch for my anxiety. I still have some major depression/ptsd and sleep issues and dont like big crowds but day to day life is much better.

      I know im oversharing but this has been therapeutic for me and even though I have not been as consistent as I want to be this makes me feel guilty for it so its baby steps in the right direction lol.

      Also side not - My body is not a fan of the eggs in the morning anymore on the semaglitude. Which is a huge blow because that was a cheap and easy way to start the day with about 40ish grams of protein and now its not so easy.

      I am not sure why but ive only been wanting carbs and fats. No issues with rice, pasta, beans, breads, keto bread, peanut butter and jelly but protein has been so damn hard to eat lately and I feel like that may be one of the reasons Im not seeing some of the results i should be, my body just isn't being fueled enough with protein and Im waiting way to long in between meals. Im eating 2 maybe 3 times per day and only maybe getting 1500-2k cals and about 100g short on protein. I need to force myself to eat more often and more protein.

      I was hoping to stick to mostly whole real foods except post workout but I am definitely going to have to throw in a shake or 2 in the day i just dont see another way right now.
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      consistency and dont stress the scale man. you arent trying to lose weight like a normie which just wants to drop pounds. they literally dont eat anything at all and that's how they get such high weight drops. you are maintaining lbm while dropping fat. again consistency man and stick to the plan you have laid out
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      consistency and dont stress the scale man. you arent trying to lose weight like a normie which just wants to drop pounds. they literally dont eat anything at all and that's how they get such high weight drops. you are maintaining lbm while dropping fat. again consistency man and stick to the plan you have laid out
      True its just hard to not focus on the scale when last time i was dropping weight so quickly it was nice to see it.

      I am really struggling to eat and hit a decent daily calorie intake though. I have literally no desire at all to eat and when i do i get full so quickly. I see how obese people lose so much on this.
      like I said my main struggle is the protein.

      Im only getting on average like 1500-1900ish calories per day right now. Some days a little lower and some days im up at like 2200. Im struggling to get past like 125g of protein daily which is where my missing calories are coming from. I hit the carb and fat goal almost daily but im usually 100-150g short of my protein goal and id rather be short on fat and carbs than protein.

      I need to force myself to have like 1 extra meal and like a double scoop protein shake a day or something and I think I will be ok but im so full for so long on the semaglutide the thought of that makes me sick lol.
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      True its just hard to not focus on the scale when last time i was dropping weight so quickly it was nice to see it.

      I am really struggling to eat and hit a decent daily calorie intake though. I have literally no desire at all to eat and when i do i get full so quickly. I see how obese people lose so much on this.
      like I said my main struggle is the protein.

      Im only getting on average like 1500-1900ish calories per day right now. Some days a little lower and some days im up at like 2200. Im struggling to get past like 125g of protein daily which is where my missing calories are coming from. I hit the carb and fat goal almost daily but im usually 100-150g short of my protein goal and id rather be short on fat and carbs than protein.

      I need to force myself to have like 1 extra meal and like a double scoop protein shake a day or something and I think I will be ok but im so full for so long on the semaglutide the thought of that makes me sick lol.
      grab you some good whey iso from true nutrition man to fill the protein gap if need be. also use white fish and other proteins that digest easier and faster. that's what has been working for me and i put my heavier protein meals later in the day so i am fuller at night.

      may need to bring the dosing back by half daily and then tick it back up at a later time. you may be alittle to high for your goals. or you can just ride the wave and not eat and just drop weight while hoping the test and other goodies spares as much lean mass as possible. the trade off is it will slow the metabolism down at the same time.
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    9. #129
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      Default Re: SFG'S log to greatness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      grab you some good whey iso from true nutrition man to fill the protein gap if need be. also use white fish and other proteins that digest easier and faster. that's what has been working for me and i put my heavier protein meals later in the day so i am fuller at night.

      may need to bring the dosing back by half daily and then tick it back up at a later time. you may be alittle to high for your goals. or you can just ride the wave and not eat and just drop weight while hoping the test and other goodies spares as much lean mass as possible. the trade off is it will slow the metabolism down at the same time.
      I have not tried fish yet since I started that’s a good idea. I have tilapias in the freezer I’ll try that tonight and see if that’s easier, that might definitely help I can probably eat more of that. The chicken keeps me so full so I’m force feeding with only like 7-8oz when I used to put down 10+ easy.

      I’ve also started eating protein pasta’s instead of rice to also help give me a little boost in protein.

      I started adding shakes in yesterday to up the protein so I’ll do that at least once a day but probably twice on the days I workout.

      I feel really good on everything I’m on right now to be honest, I’m just struggling to hit the proper calories and macro goals so obviously sustaining lean mass as much as possible is the goal but going to be difficult, I may have to sacrifice that a little bit.

      I think I’m going to ride it out and just try and force a little more protein hopefully the fish and shakes do the trick.

      I’m not a hard gainer, I tend to put on muscle pretty quickly and I’ve been decently big before so there is muscle memory there. So, honestly my main goal is to lose this fat so I can give myself some self confidence back and also show myself there’s progress being made which will only drive me to work out harder. I’ll up the cycle and start hammering the weights to add the lean mass back on later.

      I seem to be holding at 278-282, if I can drop down to like 240-250 I’ll feel so much better about myself and then I’ll probably half the dose of the sema and up the cycle focus more on building lean mass.

      Like you said I just need to stay consistent and stop focusing on the scale.

      I’m going to hit the weights again starting today. Maybe that will also help me be able to eat a little more. This cold my family got has kicked our ass the last 1-2 weeks. It’s finally almost over.

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      couple things i thought of as well that i cant remember. what is your average fasted glucose after 8-12 hours immediately after getting up? do that every other day for a couple weeks and see how she looks. also i cant remember if you put it up or not but how was your estrogen levels on your labs? thyroid? i am pretty sure thyroid was good but i dont remember. these can all be things that are creating issues as well as if your liver is stressed. estro liver glucose and thyroid are key to getting back into shape
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