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    1. #136
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Leg extension superset with seated leg curl superset with weighted lower back extension 3 sets
      Bulgarian split squat superset with straight bar pulldown 3 sets
      Vertical leg press superset with close grip pulldown 3 sets
      Double high cable curl 3 sets
      Seated DB hammer curl 3 sets
      Standing DB curl 3 sets

      Workout went well. It wasn't that warm on Saturday, in fact I was going to go up the lake and it wasn't hot enough but yet I was sweating at the gym like crazy. You'd swear it was 90 degrees out with the sweat rolling off of me. I didn't even do any kind of spectacular type of movements either. I didn't notate it but between my bicep work I either did abs or farmers walks. Did abs after the first 3 sets or so and then did farmers walk after the next 5 sets. My forearms weren't burning and my legs oddly enough started to fatigue. Crazy veins running through my arms as well.

      I'm running low on Androcrine, really should of stocked up and ran back to back bottles. At the beginning of the log I felt like I was hitting a sticking point and Androcrine really helped blow that out of the water, especially at 5 pumps a day. I was going to go back down to 4 pumps to extend the bottle a bit but I found out I have a wedding this weekend so again gym times will be difficult and I'd like to fully use the product when I can get a workout in day after day. Anyway the changes in my body keep coming, seems like every morning I'm getting tighter and tigher and my muscles are becoming more defined. This stuff has been a killer during a cut.

      With the little time I have left on the product. I replaced one of my protein shakes with humapro, I started taking ANS Diablo, and M&M Lipoburn as my final stage of the cut. I haven't touched the diet in what feels like 2 months and I'm really only reducing it 100calories but still hoping by the ALRI claims that I'll still hit my same protein intake. Lets see how this all comes together.

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Good job!

    3. #138
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      now that's a freaking workout yg.
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    4. #139
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      Flat bench 6 sets
      Standing shoulder press with diamond bar 6 sets
      Ez bar skull crusher 6 sets

      Hammer strength press superset with underhand extension superset with side lateral raise 3 sets

      Felt like myself again which was nice. Weight was moving smooth on my flat bench, good bar speed and form felt spot on. I think the added stim's pre workout really helped after a long day at work, while driving to the gym I couldn't wait to get in there and get to work. Shoulder press also felt pretty good, not sure if I set a PR or not but either way I was damn close if I didn't. The only hiccup to the workout was skull crushers were pretty difficult, I didn't lack intensity but the heat might have caught up to me by that point. I started sweating super early in the workout and pretty much continued to sweat the whole time, but cardio of course I was dripping sweat. So I was happy with my workout and hopefully I'm out of the rut of feeling run down.

      Weighed myself last night and I'm back up the 1lb I thought I lost but that's not a big deal as I woke up today and the mirror had me pumped, I feel like I'm super close to my final goal with a month and a half to go, so hoping I hit what I want to look like so that I have time to sharpen the edges before vacation.

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    5. #140
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      10 minutes HIIT cardio
      60 crunches
      5 minutes farmers walk
      60 crunches
      5 minutes farmers walk
      60 crunches
      5 minutes liss cardio

      So I was supposed to cut my grandmothers grass again and that would of been my cardio but I got a call as I was on my way that all the grass is burnt. So I switched two lanes quickly, almost causing an accident and went to the gym. Really good workout but damn it was hot. I was kind of hoping to be outside to get some sun but after the first or second sprint I was covered in a layer of sweat. I couldn't find a weight that I was more comfortable with doing farmers walks so I stayed at the weight I was at and just increased the speed on the treadmill.

      Last night in the mirror it looked like I was holding a bit of water. Could be the new supplements I'm adding so I'm not to concerned with it. Almost out of Androcrine, I'm hoping it gets me through the weekend....stay tuned

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    6. #141
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      Squat 6 sets
      Lat pulldown 6 sets
      Seated DB curl 6 sets

      Rope bulldown superset with leg press superset with BB curl 3 sets

      I was tired from presenting all sorts of new material all day but Diablo got me up and running. The workout was about average. Squats felt good and I was getting super low and pausing at the bottom. I was also sweating like crazy once again. I've been growing my hair for alittle while now and during this log when I leave the gym my hair is drenched and looks like I just went through war. The one thing I wish I had done was increase the weight on BB curls, I kept it on the lighter side but changed my grip each rep. I think I could of pressed a bit harder. Cardio was pretty difficult, I was grasping for air and my legs had a pump in them so I felt like I couldn't get up to the speed I usually do.

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    7. #142
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      So took Friday, Saturday, and Sunday away from the gym

      Friday I had a wedding in the city to go to and kind of glad I didn't go to the gym in the morning because it was super hot and super muggy the whole day, I probably wouldn't have made it at the wedding. During the ceremony I was dripping sweat and everyone just seemed very uncomfortable. Either way that day in a suit I feel like I lost 10lbs of water weight. Not only that but I had to drive and got stuck in traffic and then we didn't eat dinner until like 9:30 at night so my diet was all out of wack.

      Same thing Saturday. Diet was all wacky, so we woke up went for brunch and then my g/fs been looking at cars and found one in the Philly area she wanted to look at before we left. We ended up there for hours as she bought the car, I ended up eating pizza with one of the workers because we were there so long they closed and we were the only ones in the building. Then we had a 2 hour drive home. Needless to say my diet was crap this weekend.

      So yesterday I got back in the swing of things, reduced calories a bit, increased water intake and did a lot of house work so I was on my feet all day which was nice....back to the grind today.

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    8. #143
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      BB curl 6 sets
      Squat 6 sets
      Lat pulldown 6 sets

      Leg extension superset with laying leg curl superset with chest pad t bar row superset with preacher curl machine 3 sets

      So yesterday sucked. I was all fired up to go back to the gym, workout was going really well until about my 4th set of squats. I must have went to low on the squat and I hit the catch bar with part of the barbell, it didn't affect my footing but must have pushed my posture in a way that when I pressed up I got an intense pain in my lower back. I don't know if anything popped but I was half way up on the rep and all I could about what ut oh this isn't good. I kind of walked it off and finished my last 2 sets but I wasn't walking right. I grabbed a belt from the gym, I wear a belt to squat but it's a big thick one, my gym has those crappy ones that don't offer much support but I wrapped it tight around me and finished my workout with it on, mostly to keep the area warm so the muscles didn't freeze up on me. I thought the leg curls might help and the chest pad t bar row might stretch out the back a bit but they were pretty painful.

      I went home and applied some menthol rub on my back throughout the night and even though I hate painkillers but took some Tylenol towards the end of the night. Going to sleep was difficult because I had to lay a certain way to minimize the pain.

      I must say wearing the belt with the Lipoburn I've been using pre training seemed to keep things a bit warmer than usual. I got some nice little heat in my ab region. Today I brought my neoprene belt with me to see if that helps during my training, hopefully well add a touch of support which I doubt.

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    9. #144
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      Flat bench 6 sets
      Seated shoulder press 6 sets
      Overhand extension 6 sets

      Decline hammer strength press superset with underhand extension superset with side lateral plate raise 3 sets

      So I wasn't sure how things would work out with my back pain. I figured I would go to the gym and if the back prevented me from lifting that I would just do cardio. So I quickly found out that when I laid on the bench and put my feet on the ground that the pain was terrible. So I had to put my feet up on the bench in order to do the movement. I've seen people do this and never really understood why and never tried it. I gotta say my strength wasn't where it was when I put my feet on the ground, I think your taking the whole lower body out of the equation. I also knew I wasn't going to do standing shoulder press and didn't have much problem with the seated press. But skull crushers just weren't happening, I went with a cable movement and did go pretty heavy. All in all it wasn't a bad workout, just had to change some things around. Farmers walks hurt at first but by the 4th or 5th walk I think actually helped my back. Last night I had very little comfort issues, this morning it's tight of course but I was surprised how good it felt after the workout.

      After I ate I weighed myself, down about 2.8lbs from the last time, I was thrilled to see that especially after I just ate.

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    10. #145
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      10 minutes HIIT cardio
      60 crunches
      5 minutes Farmers walk
      60 crunches
      5 minutes farmers walk
      60 crunches
      5 minutes liss cardio

      It is so hot and humid here it's not even funny. Cardio has been wacky by how fast I start to sweat. But the weird thing is I did my HIIT cardio and was dripping sweat but I was bone dry doing the farmers walks, except for my ab region, I wore the neoprene belt and wow that part of my body was slimey. Funny part is as I was doing crunches the belt rubs against the sweat and makes all sorts of noises which made me laugh. I went up in weight on the farmers walks which was difficult but I'm glad I continue to move forward in that category.

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    11. #146
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      Leg press superset with chest pad t bar row 3 sets
      Standing Calve raise superset with pull ups 3 sets
      Vertical leg press superset with close grip pull down 3 sets
      Seated DB curl superset with straight bar pulldown 3 sets
      Double cable curl superset with goblet box squat 3 sets
      Rope Curl 3 sets

      I didn't know how the workout would go because of my back. I didn't know what would cause pain and what wouldn't. Got on the leg press a bit worried but it actually felt really good. Half way through the workout I thought I should of just did a ton of sets on the leg press instead of switching exercises but ya live and ya learn. Overall it was just a so so workout. I was happy my back wasn't totally bothering me during exercises and I kept the intensity up by supersetting almost the whole workout which was nice.

      Hopefully I can get out this weekend and get some much needed sun to get this tan going to help with the lean look.

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    12. #147
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      Incline Fly superset with bent over rear delt fly 3 sets
      Dips 3 sets
      Cable fly superset with side lateral raise 3 sets
      Machine press superset with shoulder press superset with dip machine 3 sets
      Over hand extension 3 sets
      DB kickback 3 sets

      Felt a bit tight at first and I tried to do flat flies but it wasn't working with my back, when I put my feet on the floor it must arch my back in a way that causes pain. So I went with incline since I have a food rest that doesn't create a bend in my back. Other than that the workout was pretty good, I was kind of all over the place without a rhyme or reason but I enjoyed it. Was sweating pretty good and felt worn out from the farmers walks at the end. Success

      I proceeded to go up to the lake later in the day to hang out with some friends and it's not really workout related but did swim quite a bit. My buddy brought his 5 year old up and he wanted to throw us the football as we jumped off the diving board. I don't know if I'm not in as good shape as I thought or what but from jumping and then swimming back in each time I was breathing pretty heavy and needed rest a few time. The more I swam the more I felt my abs being tight and my back getting tight which was kinda cool. Got really burnt though which sucked. Lots of pain, but I need to get a base tan before vacation, I was just going to go tanning but its way more expensive than I thought.

      Sunday I did some yard work. Again not a workout but dripping sweat lifting different pieces of equipment and what not, so it was a fairly active weekend. Going forward I think I'm going to change my workout routine back to my normal routine, in hopes to fit some extra cardio in and to shock the body a little.

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    13. #148
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      Flat Bench 4 sets
      Incline Bench 3 sets
      Hammer strength press 2 sets of double drop sets
      Low cable fly 3 sets

      Rope extension 3 sets
      Underhand extension 3 sets
      Overhand extension 1 set of a double drop set
      Dips 2 sets

      So I tried something new yesterday, or not new but old and back to my old method of training. Felt good to play around a bit, working 3 muscle groups in a session I sort of rush to get through the sets to make sure I hit everything. With this style I could play with my techniques a bit, I haven't done drop sets in awhile so I gave them a go. The pump was way different than I have been getting which was good. I may try this for a couple weeks and then go back to how I was training but I was hoping to shock the system a bit.

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      I didn't go to the gym, instead I went home and did work outside of my house. My girlfriend goes on vacation with her family a week each summer and I don't go so I use the time to try and get things done around my house that I've been slacking on. Yesterday I went home, finishing cutting these shrubs or bushes or whatever in the back of my house, they grow like crazy and I have to cut them back twice a year. I proceeded to do some painting on my house, some stuff needed to be touched up. I also figured the time is slim so I might as well try and build on my minor tan I have since my plan was to go tanning before vacation. I broke a nice sweat and a few times noticed my heart rate elevated from getting up and down from the painting and from swinging an electric hedge trimmer over my head. Probably no where near the cardio session I would of had but I was active at least.

      All day I was going back and fourth on whether I should do the house work or go to the gym, at one point I was hoping it would rain so I wouldn't have the choice.

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    15. #150
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Leg extension superset with Lying leg curl 3 sets
      Squats 5 sets
      Leg press 5 sets
      Standing Calve raise 3 sets

      Didn't know what to expect with my back, it's been feeling better but every so often I notice it. Anyway when I started to squat I didn't notice anything but as I got heavier I got more nervous about it. So as I got heavier I probably was stopping the set about a rep early to make sure my form didn't compromise if I struggled on the next rep. I had nice slow and controlled speed. Leg press was nice, I haven't gone that heavy on the press in awhile, usually I do it after squat and I keep it high rep but I just kept loading plates. Felt good on the back though, unload the weight and let it push you against the back rest so your nice and supported.

      I'm down about another half a pound on the scale last night, carbs have been really low so far this week. I'm about 2lbs

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