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    Thread: Liver Check

    1. #1
      guns01's Avatar
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      so last year i had an issue where i thought my appendix had ruptured while i was training. it wasnt it was gas but it sent me to the er. had cat scan labs etc.... done at the er and all was good. well my liver values alt ast where 10 points out of range. cool beans no worries just eliminate what was causing the god awful gas. setup an appt with gastro since i was due for my 5 year colonoscopy anyway. talk to the ass doc about the situation blah blah. so she sends me to have more labs done because she says i might be in liver failure. well i lost my shit on her but pulled them anyway. she ran the normal liver labs health panels etc... along with some auto immune disease checks and stuff. long story short i can look at my labs in the patient portal and everything was spectacular. i mean perfect across the board, no markers out of place except one of the auto immune disease markers. so i look into it and it is one that pretty much destroys your liver and puts you into liver failure. now mind you i was somewhere around .2 or .3 out of the normal range on this one. doc never called me telling me i needed to come in or i was going to die, so i didnt think anything of it. go in get scoped and doc comes in and says you had a couple polyups again and we took them out. follow up next week. go in and see him and he says happy with everything blah blah but one of the indicators on your labs came back abnormal so let's do an ultra sound of your liver and everything just to take a look. again everything came back perfect and i get no call. so no worries but still in the back of my mind i am thinking well shit, i push orals in prep and my values will get up in the 150s 170s for about a month or so and they come back within a month or two after stopping and my normal doc never bats an eye at it cause he knows, but am i causing some fatty liver or liver stiffness etc.... so i hear on the radio a research company is doing liver scans to check out fatty liver and all that good stuff for future research for free. the place was close so i said fuck it and setup an appt. went in today and they did the diabetes screening and all the liver stuff as well. no fatty liver, no stiff liver no liver issues at all and all my glucose and a1c markers were perfectly in range. doc says well the good news is all your shit is healthy bad news is you are no good for any of our research studies haha. he said can we put you on the call list for any of our healthy patients studies if something comes up? i said sure.

      so yet again normal docs and even specialists are pretty much morons when it comes to athletes that train hard. the sad thing is the gastro doc i see is the top one in my state and people come from all over to see his dumb ass. that's the scary part to me.

      anyone else ever have these fiberous scans on their liver done with similar results
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      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Liver Check

      Wow, crazy!

      I take NAC and Glycine and mine are perfect whatever I do. Even after a day of watching football and drinking beer.
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    3. #3
      guns01's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Wow, crazy!

      I take NAC and Glycine and mine are perfect whatever I do. Even after a day of watching football and drinking beer.
      i do as well and add in a good tudca supplement during and after using orals. i know you dont push carbs hard like i do but i am surprised at how hard you train that your vales dont get out of range and you drink beer too. my wife is the exact same way. my shit hit 150 and 160 during prep year before last because i ran out of tudca and didnt want to mess with anything to mess up condition. so i know mine get way jacked up but the old liver obviously bounces back
      TGBSupplements REP


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