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    Thread: 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

    1. #1
      Yohimbe's Avatar
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      Default 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

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      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      Mr. Olympia is coming up in 5 weeks! (Hardcore fan, I get excited for it every year)

      I know we say it every year, but I feel like this is going to be a great line up. Derek coming to defend his title, Nick is back this year and hungry, Hadi wants redemption, Samson has his eye on the Sandow and Andrew Jacked is coming in fresh from his win at the Texas Pro looking insane. Did I just call the top 5? LOL

      Anyone else watching? I've only been once in person, but I get the PPV every year.
      Train Till Your Eyes Bleed!

    2. #2
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      Mr. Olympia is coming up in 5 weeks! (Hardcore fan, I get excited for it every year)

      I know we say it every year, but I feel like this is going to be a great line up. Derek coming to defend his title, Nick is back this year and hungry, Hadi wants redemption, Samson has his eye on the Sandow and Andrew Jacked is coming in fresh from his win at the Texas Pro looking insane. Did I just call the top 5? LOL

      Anyone else watching? I've only been once in person, but I get the PPV every year.
      going to be a tough one to call since derek and hadi both always come in in condition. nick will be in shape and a freak but funky looking and the rest is always had to guess. seems like the other guys are big hype and then dont make the mark with conditioning. if they all show up in shape it will be interesting but if history is our teacher, the vast majority will not come in conditioned and it will be a repeat of last year with nick in the mix this year. going to be a good one for the top 3 for sure though
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

      Yeah that's so true lol. I get excited every year thinking about how great it will be if everyone comes in shape, but that never happens. If everyone actually brings their best package, it'll be a hell of a show.

      It'll be great watching the battle between Derek and Hadi. Also seeing where Nick comes in. We'll see how everyone else stacks up. Maybe someone will surprise us.
      Train Till Your Eyes Bleed!

    4. #4
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      Default Re: 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      Yeah that's so true lol. I get excited every year thinking about how great it will be if everyone comes in shape, but that never happens. If everyone actually brings their best package, it'll be a hell of a show.

      It'll be great watching the battle between Derek and Hadi. Also seeing where Nick comes in. We'll see how everyone else stacks up. Maybe someone will surprise us.
      they are predicting that andrew jacked is going to be the dark horse but again his condition is always wishy washy and he has only nailed it once. we will see but we know that most likely derek nick and hadi will all come in in shape. so what direction the judges go is always a guess. will they let derek slide since he is the defending champ like in the past? or will they give it to the best on stage? o camt wait either
      TGBSupplements REP


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    5. #5
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      Default Re: 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

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      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!

      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      • 5 Weeks out from the Olympia!
      Yeah I'm excited to see Andrew. I was listening to Chris Aceto talk about his improvements and adding quite a bit of size. Although, of course Chris is going to talk good of his athlete. He and Palumbo were breaking down their perspectives of the potential top 5. I can't wait to see Samson too. He always seems to miss the mark, but man if he and Andrew came in at their best, that would a hellacious clash of the big guys.
      Train Till Your Eyes Bleed!

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